
from http://blogs.nailsmag.com/ about Gel polish

Ok, not my life exactly, but probably several hundred dollars in taxes. Whew.
First, I subtotaled all those receipts and calculated my gross receipts for 2010 only to break down in tears at the discovery that I made more money than I'd expected. Not enough to brag about, mind you, but enough that I was looking at much fatter check than I wanted to write.
Then a miracle happened! I stumbled across a stack of rogue receipts laying on the desk near my computer at home: all the receipts for all the gel polish that I invested in in 2010!
After amending my subtotals, I am thrilled to discover that the check I have to write will be back within the range I'd been expecting. Yes. I bought a lot of gel polish in 2010. And that stuff ain't cheap!
So gel polish is my new hero ... On the other hand, it's probably also the reason I made more money last year. Hmmmm. I guess that just means it cancelled itself out, huh?

I think so too!! Great Nails magazine!!
I love it♥
Have a nice weekend!! Cheers

from Naoe

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