
New Beautiful Gel Nails for Guest ♪

Hello!! How are you doing!? Osaka, Japan is getting really hot these days, still rainy season?! I guess not....... I'm not really like Summer, but felling good for go to Beach , Mountain, and Party. and some Rock festival makes me happy♪
I think, I'm gonna go to Rock fes. this summer what is " Summer Sonic Osaka". R.H.C.P. and House of Pain, Jon spencer.  Suede , and bow wow wow, and more.
I can't wait it !!

Anyway, I'm gonna go to Tokyo for Nail job tonight, I'm looking forward to it before.
I started Nail work at Tokyo before, also I was living 4years, so I have many friends there. so exciting !!
Some work and have Wedding party of my friend. I think , I'm gonna show you some pixes of that next time.

This time, Gel nail photos what I did. Have a enjoy it☆

 Summer Color !!
See you soon♪


Good O.P.I products★Go to Tokyo soon !

Hello! How are you doing!? Osaka is getting like really summer, actually I'm not so like Japanese summer, what is so humidity.  Today was 33℃......Uh......
and I think , We needs Summer time in Japan. ( we dose't have yet)
Now, we have very important subject " conservation of electricity" in Japan after big earth quake.  so , now we have a long day time, 5a.m. sun is up until 7p.m. which is good for brownout.  I hope Japanese peoples are getting use to playing it by ear the whole way........Please.

Ok...that was serious story, i need change, I find out Good O.P.I products for Hands, and Body , Feet , which is good for your Skin. I love O.P.I products, especially Body Scrub, which is helps rejuvenate appearance and texture, leaving skin hydrated and silky smooth (it's truth!) with Advanced Avocado lipid complex, nutrient rich jojoba and grape seed oils. Small is sweet ♪ After that, i recommend Avojuice Skin lotion, "Japanese garden" . Both good relaxing smalls ♥

I'm gonna go to Tokyo for Nail jobs, and Wedding party of my friend from next week
again, I'm so looking forward to it !!

I think, I can get something funny in Tokyo, I'll to write for this Blog about it soon.

Have a good weekend !!
See you soon♪


Gel Nails for your friend Birthday gift★

Hello!! how are you doing!? still rainy season in Osaka ,Japan.
but, I had good happen yesterday, what is my friends came from Tokyo, then came to my Nails Salon too. 3girls was chatting a lot. One of girls had her birthday exactly yesterday. other girls wants foot gel nails, and they want to present for her birthday. She was getting hands gel nails from friends♪ That was great gift, she looks so happy★ also, i felt really good!!
Actually, i had gift form that girls, which is Tickets for show of Trockadero Ballet♪
which is all guys ballet group, that was awesome!! I really like that show.
Girls working with that group for costume, it was beautiful and so lovely♥
I had lucky week !!

Pixs for Nails what i did, Enjoy it !

Have a good weekend !! See you soon♪


Hot spring for beauty & Feet Nails★

Hello!! How are you doing?!
I'm great coz, I went to Hot spring few days before, where is Kinosaki.
Kinosaki is famous Hot spring area , close to beach and that town mood is really beautiful old style , what is good Japan looks like.

Japanese say "Onsen" what is public hot spring, if you have chance to come to Japan around Kinki area , I hope you are interested in Japanese Onsen Culture!!
and that is good for health and beauty ♥

and new feet nails Picture for next time(^^)
See you soon, Have a good day !!


Goood Wedding Party☆and Good Gel Nails☆

Hello! how are you doing!? I went to marriage ceremony of my friend yesterday, who is my good friend both,and it was so beautiful ceremony. and also beautiful foods i ate (^^) Actually, I had marriage ceremony 3years ago for me, where in Australia with just our friend. but now it is memory of Family trip. I'm single now in Osaka.
so, Wedding was awesome and that was makes me "I want to (try)...again"(^^) if i can.

Anyway, I'm enjoying my work, which is Nails Salon of mine. Nails technique is never end, and that is customer relations of ultimate i think.
also, I have to care about how I look, but I'm happy about working with Beauty, like another women are thinking so.
I like painting too, that is my major of my life.  Because , We have Colors!!!!!!!
Many Colors and Flowers has something power, its makes me so Happy every time.
How about you? what is makes you Happy ??

This is Photos of my last week, have a enjoy it♪

I  recommend "O.P.I  Skin Scrub" which is natural sugar crystals use. Really good one. Try it !!

See you sooooooon ♪


Wonderful ?! Mini toy Cars and Feet Nails★

Hello!! how are you doing!?  Today's Osaka has brilliant weather☀
I usually to go to same Cafe at Matubara city Osaka, which is very interesting shop, used clothing and Cafe Bar. Staff is also good guys, I'm kind of regular customer of that shop. We are very into "Mini4" now, which is Toy Car with small battery.
and I decorated for Mini car this time !!

How is this!? We have a race next time!! Looks so faster....but, I don't know yet....you
will see. I think, I'm gonna get another Car again, coz, Making a Car was so fun!!

Ok........so, my Nails Salon ready for Feet care of you. If you have a time to come to Osaka Japan, then you are going to Beach (Osaka have NOT beautiful beach but)
before, you might to come to my Salon♪
I'd like to go somewhere Beach...really, Okinawa..... where is most beautiful ocean has. wanna go there.
here is my feet Nails design. have a enjoy it!!


Rainy Season start... Give me Healthy Nails hands&feet ★

Hello! how are you !? Rainy season and June is coming now in Osaka, Japan.
feels bit cold before Summer, rain is good for clean my mind sometime.
could stay at my Nails salon, then making sample of Nails design and Painting for canvas , sometime "youtube" ......w
Now, I start to try collaboration with another company , like Clothes shop with, Cafe with, Hair salon with my design nails art and technique.  then making new Flyer for collaborate shops by myself, that is very interesting and i hope i can see new customer what I'm really looking forward to do it.
Now nails salon and Gel Nails is so Fad in Tokyo,Osaka most of Japan for any age of Ladies and Girls, few boys. but sometime people do for just like hobby Gel nails,
that is danger , gel and acrylic tec. is not easy , so I recommend Nails salon where is good Nail technician and hygiene standards has.
(☆like my Nails Salon★)
If you are interested in my Nails style , and you have plan to come to Osaka, Kyoto, whatever please contact me!
my english is not very good, but I'm enjoying speaking , and i can give you some advice of Nails stuff and travel around Osaka!!

have a enjoy Nails gallery!!

have a good June !!
see you soon♪